Climate change and employee engagement | Me[plural]

Some people refer to the EVP, others the Employer Brand. Are we just talking egg plants and aubergines, or are there clear differences?

Ever cook with aubergine? They go really well in dishes with a rich tomato sauce. But depending on your background, you might call them aubergine, egg plants, or even guinea squash (who knew!). But they’re all the same thing.

Is that true with EVP and Employer Brand? Just two words that mean the same? Well, the short answer is no. As for the long answer, let’s start with some definitions.

EVP and Employer Brand defined

Google EVP and Employer Brand and you will likely see definitions from providers that sometimes differ, often blur and generally just add to the whole confusion. So, let’s keep it simple and clear:

Employee Value Proposition (EVP) – everything you provide as an employer, with an understanding of what makes you unique.

Employer Brand – an EVP packaged up with a clear story and visual identity to provide consistency and connection.

If the EVP is ‘everything you provide as an employer’, that’s a hell of a lot right? Yep, it is. But you need to know who you are and what you offer.

Let’s talk online dating

Ever been online dating? Maybe know a ‘friend’ who has? Whether you’re familiar or not, it’s a great analogy to explain this all further.

The principle is this – you want to advertise yourself as a potential boyfriend/girlfriend/partner. How do you do it? Well first you need some self-reflection.

You can do that alone, but here’s the danger – you might think you’re amazing in every way, and, well, your friends might disagree. So, you want feedback from the people that know you the best.

“Aren’t I always patient?”

“hmmm… well, every single year you eat your entire advent calendar on day one. So, er, no.”

Once you’ve got a grip of what makes you who you are, you have to wrap that up and present it in a nice way. Find some good pictures, think about your strongest characteristics, maybe even sneak a peek at what other people are saying, so you can make sure you stand out.

Finally, you put yourself out there and hope someone connects. Maybe they like the sound of you, maybe you have shared values, maybe you just seem different from the rest. Hopefully, the right people respond, and it could be the start of something special.

Step one EVP, step two Employer Brand

The process for employers is extremely similar. The EVP is the first part. But here you’re working out who you are as an employer. That means building a blueprint of everything you provide and speaking to your employees – they know you better than anyone.

The Employer Brand is the second part. Here you consider how you present who you are in a compelling and appealing identity. That means working creatively to extend your EVP into an interesting story and exciting visuals assets.

Just like the dating scenario, you’re looking to make a connection. You need to stand out and let your employer personality shine.    

A little tip to get the ball rolling

If you’re thinking about the EVP and the Employer Brand, then chances are you’re starting out on this challenge, and, well, it can seem like an overbearing beast.

My advice – start with a simple task. Open a spreadsheet or bust out your pad, and brain dump everything you know about you as an employer, just to get the ball rolling. Try using these categories to guide you:

1.    People – culture, diversity, development and everything in between

2.    Purpose – vision, mission, values

3.    Perks – benefits, support, events

4.    Planet – sustainability, community, morals

5.    Product – specifics to your industry

After doing that, you’ll find these things happen.

  • You’ll start to realise how much great stuff you do

  • You’ll start to identify where you need to focus your research

  • You’ll start to recognise the things you’re good at and those that set you apart

This simple exercise is only the start, but it should help to ignite the fire in your belly.

Like most challenges, taking the first step is often the hardest. But before you know it, you’ll have defined your EVP and you’ll be celebrating your shiny new Employer Brand with a delicious bowl of guinea squash stew 💪

If you want more useful tips and advice then join me for a free training session.

Or hunt down our Kick-Arse Employer Brands podcast on Spotify or Apple Music.